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Today is Sunday, and I already thought the worst feeling in the world was the anxiety of losing some house keys.

            Whoa, I was WAY OFF.

            No, another terrible emotion is feeling left out. Whether it’s being left out of a movement, a club, or a group of friends, the feeling is pervasive. It has only increased in the age of social media and online picture sharing, and the like.

            Still socially insecure today at age 39, I know I would have been entirely inconsolable as a young high school-aged girl if I had to incessantly look at my fellow classmates online, attending parties and events that I hadn’t attended, much less been invited to. So, I understand how hard on the psyche this era in history is on young minds.

            Today, for me, that same feeling of desertion results for different reasons. Instead of being limited to classmates, that feeling of missing out can span cities, states, and even countries! And while global jealousy surely exists, low-level envy of the neighbor- next- door dominates just as forcefully as it had when I was young. 

            Much is discussed about social media’s affect on today’s culture, but above all else the double- edged sword nature of its existence is far and away its most defining characteristic. “It’s good if you’re included; it hurts if you’re not, but it was a nice affair to have happened, regardless.” 

            Nowadays, television production (with the help of such streaming vehicles as Netflix, Hulu, and AmazonPrime, to name just a few) is surpassing the good ol’ days of watching well-produced narratives via movie theaters. These TV series are more compelling, better produced, and generally just as well made as many big budget movies out today. 

            As this is the case, I feel that you have to be some kind of idiot not to get in on this craze that’s occurring RIGHT IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME!

            But yup, you got that right. I am that idiot!

            I’ve been late to every movement that’s occurred within the last 15 years. Scratch that, I’ve always been late to know about anything and everything in allmy years. Just in terms of TV, though, I never watched those early days of classic HBO series like, The Wire, and The Sopranos. And then I missed out on those AMC series like, Breaking Bad and MadMen. I also missed the PBS classic, Downton Abbey. Whether I just forgot to tune in, or I gave up from the start, I would feel it too much effort to attempt “to get back in it” and try “to catch up.” See, I had failed to turn it on when those series were first beginning, and by missing the first few episodes, I had totally lost out.

            I have learned to be satisfied with my role as the bitter nonconformist. 

            Discussion of those popular series that I wasn’t also watching used to really get under my skin, and here we go again with Game of Thrones. I hate to hear people talking of it. I hate to know why they’re rushing home on Sunday nights when here I thought I was such delightful company in that open-air café under the stars?

            Nowadays, I am one of the only ones out there who is not part of the movement sweeping the nation and clearing out restaurants and bars on Sunday nights, all to be home in time for Game of Thronesto start at 9pm.

I just didn’t feel like devoting the time to catching up on the series during available evenings, or weekends.

I even have an unopened boxed set sitting in my living room.

            But now it’s too late and I’m paying for it. 

            I feel left out. This is the water cooler talk I can never participate in. 

Moral of the story

Don’t be like me. To be left out of a movement is not a good feeling. Try to participate in things that bring people together.

Go ahead and watch Game of Thrones. See if I care. (Because I will ;)

            *Now it’s Monday morning and I am a bit relieved to learn that the lighting in some episodes this season may be too dark. The weak illumination that everyone’s complaining about is brightening my inner spirits though, sorry to admit. (Thanks for that insider info, 1010 WINS.)

 **But while I’m at it, in the words of Norman Baker, producer from the WendyWilliamsShow, he just said, “[Game of Thrones] is one of the best things I’ve ever seen in the history of television. I promise you that.”

            Whether this quote was too grandiose to even make sense, it doesn’t matter. The show is really good. 

            I’m back to feeling left out.

            Thanks a lot.